Terms & Conditions - Affiliate Program

Vitalux Terms & Conditions - Affiliate Program

Welcome to the Vitalux Affiliate Program!

We are excited to have you join us in promoting our quality, luxury clothing. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before joining our affiliate program.

1. Eligibility

To join the Vitalux Affiliate Program, you must:

  • Have a valid website, blog, or social media account with relevant content.
  • Not engage in any form of spam or misleading advertising.

2. Application Approval

  • All affiliate applications are subject to review and approval by Vitalux.
  • We reserve the right to reject any application at our discretion, without providing a reason.

3. Affiliate Links and Promotion

  • Affiliates will receive a unique affiliate link to promote Vitalux products.
  • Affiliates may use banners, text links, and promotional materials provided by Vitalux.
  • Affiliates must not use misleading or deceptive marketing practices.
  • Affiliates must ensure that all promotional materials comply with local advertising laws and regulations.

4. Commissions

  • Affiliates earn a commission on sales generated through their unique affiliate link.
  • The commission rate is determined by Vitalux and may be subject to change at our discretion.
  • Vitalux pays a commission for affiliate advertising to the company, which pays the commission to the affiliate.
  • Vitalux reserves the right to withhold commissions for any sales that are refunded or deemed fraudulent.

5. Reporting and Analytics

  • Vitalux provides affiliates with access to a dashboard for tracking sales and commissions.
  • Affiliates must regularly review their performance and ensure that all tracking links are properly implemented.

6. Prohibited Activities

  • Affiliates must not engage in fraudulent activities to generate commissions.
  • Affiliates must not promote Vitalux products through pay-per-click advertising on search engines using the Vitalux brand name or any variation thereof.
  • Affiliates must not create websites or social media profiles that appear to be managed by Vitalux.
  • Affiliates must not engage in any activity that could harm the reputation of Vitalux, including but not limited to, promoting illegal or offensive content.

7. Content and Intellectual Property

  • Affiliates must use only approved promotional materials provided by Vitalux.
  • Affiliates must not alter any Vitalux trademarks, logos, or other intellectual property.
  • Vitalux reserves the right to request the removal of any content that it deems inappropriate or not in line with the brand's image.
  • Vitalux does not accept the following content: pornographic, racist, political, discriminatory, derogatory.

8. Termination

  • Vitalux reserves the right to terminate any affiliate account at any time for violations of these terms and conditions or for any reason at our discretion.
  • Affiliates may terminate their participation in the program at any time by notifying Vitalux.
  • Upon termination, affiliates will no longer be entitled to earn or receive commissions.

9. Confidentiality

  • Affiliates agree to keep all confidential information shared by Vitalux, including commission rates and promotional strategies, private and not disclose it to any third parties.

10. Changes to the Terms

  • Vitalux reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time.
  • Affiliates will be notified of any changes, and continued participation in the program constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

By joining the Vitalux Affiliate Program, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. We look forward to a successful partnership with you!